5th Grade

You are going to read biographies of important women in History in the book you have on your desk. Read the biographies and choose one woman. After that, you need to use this worksheet to create a stamp in honor of The Important woman in History you choose and her most important accomplishments . 

When you finish you have to introduce this woman to the class explaining the following. Here you have Luke's presentation:

 6th Grade

You are going to read biographies of important women in History in the book you have on your desk. Read the biographies and choose one woman. After that, you need to use this worksheet to create a facebook profile of this woman like this one (maybe you will need to do a research on internet):

This is the worksheet you need to fill out. 

When you finish you have to introduce this woman to the class explaining the following:
Here you have Luke's video presentation: LUKE'S PRESENTATION


  1. Informative Blog! Encourage the women in your organization to showcase some of their hidden talents on this International women's day. We have listed down 10 Office activities for women's day celebration in office.


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