Hola heroïs i heroïnes. Després d'este descans comencem un nou trimestre i he volgut començar esta setmana llegint un poc sobre la situació que estem vivint nosaltres i al voltant del món. Per tant el que treballarem serà la comprensió lectora en anglès.
És per això que esta setmana anem a reflexionar sobre la pandèmia. Cal que:
1r: Llegiu l'article de la notícia i feu les activitats propostes.
2n: Després haveu de visualitzar el vídeo sobre el confinament que estem vivint tot el planeta i com se senten i us sentiu fent les tasques de l'escola a casa.
3r: Contesteu al qüestionari que us adjunte a continuació del vídeo.
4t: Activitat voluntaria: LOCKDOWN DIARY
Ací teniu els videos on explique totes les activitats de la setmana.
1r: Llegiu l'article de la notícia i feu les activitats propostes.
2n: Després haveu de visualitzar el vídeo sobre el confinament que estem vivint tot el planeta i com se senten i us sentiu fent les tasques de l'escola a casa.
3r: Contesteu al qüestionari que us adjunte a continuació del vídeo.
4t: Activitat voluntaria: LOCKDOWN DIARY
Ací teniu els videos on explique totes les activitats de la setmana.
The coronavirus was first reported in Wuhan, China in
January 2020. It soon spread all over the world. To try
to control the spread of the disease, many countries
have introduced lockdowns, so schools, leisure
centres, libraries and parks are closed. This means
that many students are learning at home, away from
friends and teachers and may feel disconnected.
You can comment this entry to share your stories in, so you can connect with others.
Ideas to comment: You are at home for a month because of coronavirus. How can you learn / speak to your friends / exercise? You can write some ideas on the blog, using -ing form verbs (gerunds): doing schoolwork, running, reading, talking to friends online, tidying and cleaning.
Copy this timetable on your notebook and complete with your schedule during week days and weekend.
You can comment this entry to share your stories in, so you can connect with others.
Ideas to comment: You are at home for a month because of coronavirus. How can you learn / speak to your friends / exercise? You can write some ideas on the blog, using -ing form verbs (gerunds): doing schoolwork, running, reading, talking to friends online, tidying and cleaning.
Copy this timetable on your notebook and complete with your schedule during week days and weekend.
Now it is time to read the article and answer the questions about YOU in your notebook:
Ací teniu la transcripció del vídeo per si ho necessiteu: TRANSCRIPT OF THE VIDEO
Després de veure el vídeo cal que agafeu la llibreta i contesteu a les següents preguntes. Recordeu copiar la pregunta i després contestar-la.
Una vegada acabades totes les activitats feu una foto del vostre treball i envieu-me-les per correu ceipboscoenglish@gmail.com o directament escriviu-me un email o per web família amb les respostes. Per tal de tindre FEEDBACK.
TREBALL VOLUNTARI per a ampliar: I per acabar cal que entreu a este link: MY LOCKDOWN DIARY i feu la portada i les 3 primeres pàgines per a emplenar. Les podeu imprimir o copiar a la llibreta o a un foli en blanc. Després feu una foto i envieu-me-la al correu electrònic de ceipboscoenglish@gmail.com (No s'oblideu de posar-me el vostre nom). Aniré emplenant este mural intereactiu amb les vostres fotos. MURAL INTERACTIU de LOCKDOWN DIARY
Recordeu que si teniu qualsevol dubte podeu escriure'm per WEB FAMILIA o al correu ceipboscoenglish@gmail.com. Si el dubte no el puc resoldre via e-mail us puc telefonar sense cap problema.
ResponderEliminarI do sports all week from Monday to Friday
Good job! It will be keep you healthy.
EliminarHi i'm doing sports and talking with my friends and my family
ResponderEliminarThat's good. Remember to write "I" always with capital letter.
EliminarHello! I do my homework in the morning, then, in the afternoon I do exercise and talking with my friends and my family, by Zoom and WhatsApp.
ResponderEliminarNice! I love how you plan your week. Remember if you are using present simple tense, use it for the whole sentence.
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarHello!I'm Inés,I do homework and reading books in the morning,After eating, I do crafts and experiments with my family and then I exercise.Bye,Bye!
Hello Inés, thanks for writing about you. That's a good schedule for you. Here you have the corrections of your writing: I am doing homework and reading books in the mornings. The rest is perfect. Take care!
EliminarHello, I'm Alex for 5th grade,i've seen series at english.Bye bye
ResponderEliminarHi Alex! Happy to have news about you. Corrections: I've have been seeing series in English.
EliminarAlex or understant tot
ResponderEliminarHa ha ha! Good Alex!
Eliminar👋👋👋Una??pregunta El orari és voluntari??
ResponderEliminarYes, the timetable is voluntary.
EliminarI do sports all week from Monday to Friday
ResponderEliminarNice! That healthy!
EliminarHi, I'm Javi F. I'm doing homework and reading and I practice cooking. I miss my friends, going for a walk and the time we spend together at school. I encourage everyone. Bye
ResponderEliminarHello Javi. I love your comment. And thanks for sharing what you are doing.
EliminarHi, I'm Adrián. I'm doing homework and reading books. I'm training with my football team and doing English clases by video conference. And I'm talking with my friends and family.
ResponderEliminarBye, bye!
Hi Adrian! Thanks for your sharing. You are very lucky! Keep doing it!
EliminarI am watching series and moviesin english
ResponderEliminarThat's great! I hope you are having fun.
EliminarHi, I'm Itziar . On weekdays I do my homework in the morning. After lunch I practice ballet or I do exercise with my family. I also spend time talking to my family and friends for skype. I miss my classmates and teachers very much. I hope to return to school soon and see them.
ResponderEliminarHi Itziar! I hope to return to school as soon as possible because I miss you too. Corrections: I also spend time talking to my family and friends using skype.
EliminarHello! I'm Leonor. I'm happy and good health. On the week I'm standing up at 8 am. I'm eating breakfast and watching tv. until 10 am. At this hour, I'm studying english and I'm doing my schoolwork. At 2pm. I'm eating luch with my dad. On the afteroon I'm doing aerobics. At weekend usually I sleep more and help with my parents.
ResponderEliminarHello Leonor. Nice job! Thanks for comment this entry, I love it! Corrections: In the afternoon.
EliminarHi marian im malak and i do my schoolwork always bye,bye!!!
ResponderEliminarHi Malak! Good to hear about you. How is your sister? Is she doing good too? Malak and Romaissa, if you can, upload your homework to your PORTFOLIO that your teachers have sent you. Regards and take care of you and your family.
ResponderEliminarHi Marian, how are you? I am Asma, what I do in these weeks is, do homework, talk to my friends on WhatsApp or TikTok, help with household chores, cook with my mother or father, help put the table,help clear the table...I also usually play with my little sister,the other day
I did a challenge with my older sister was one of doing a dance with the legs and it was super fun, byeee