By celebrating Earth Day, you’re part of a community of over 1 billion people who take part in this holiday every year.

Here’s a quick (3-minute) introduction to how Earth Day started and the impact it’s had:

Welcome to Mother Earth day Quiz show 📺
How much do you know about the environment? Choose your answer and perform the activity. 

How can we save energy?

Complete this worksheet with your group. You have 10 minutes to do it.
The let's put all your ideas on the blackboard. The secretary is in charge of writing your ideas. After that, we will complete this poster to organize how we can save our planet. 

Pick up trash around your school

 Write down what kinds of trash you pick up and where. After analyzing the data together, we can find patterns and explore solutions so you can stop the trash at the source.

In fact, there’s a new app that can help you do just that. Check out Litterati, the app that makes it fun to pick up littler and helps prevent litter.
